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We are proud to be a blue brand.
Consistently owning blue within our
space helps build attribution and
instant recognition.

We always lead with blue — but have a beautiful complimentary palette.

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Primary colours

Blue is our core brand colour.
Electrolux Blue is a darker, richer
shade to bring a more distinct and
premium feel to the brand.

The primary colour palette is made
up of a set of five colours: Electrolux Blue supported by neutral tones, including white.

We utilize the core Electrolux Blue as our primary application of the brand. It should be used as an entry level to Electrolux, e.g. branded spaces.

The neutral tones have been created to help support the use of the Electrolux Blue.


Through use of our flexible visual
system, it is important to make use
of the colour tones within the colour sets so that our communications are not repetitive.

Electrolux Blue

RGB: 4/30/80

CMYK: 100/90/13/63

HEX: #041e50

PMS 282 C / PMS 2768 U
NCS: S 7020-R70B


RGB: 123/138/156

CMYK: 60/38/27/10

HEX: #7b8a9c
PMS 5415C / PMS 5415U
NCS: S 4020-B10G


RGB: 173/185/195

CMYK: 36/17/20/0

HEX: #adb9c3

PMS 2162C / PMS 2162U
NCS: S 3005-B80G


RGB: 223/231/234

CMYK: 16/3/8/0

HEX: #dfe7ea

PMS 642C / PMS 642U
NCS: S 1005-B20G


RGB: 255/255/255

CMYK: 0/0/0/0

HEX: #ffffff

Secondary colours

Our secondary colours are inspired by nature and reflect our Scandinavian design heritage.


They are designed to create depth and additional warmth and
complement our primary palette.


We use our secondary colours
to inspire photography through
propping and styling to create
a broader visual world that is
distinctively Electrolux.


Our secondary palette is made up of five colour sets; purple, red, yellow and green.


Each set is made up of light to dark tones, helping to create more relevant and engaging communications.


Utilizing the shades within each colour set helps us to create depth and flexibility without being repetitive.

Mixing colour sets on the same layout is not encouraged.


RGB: 43/41/54

CMYK: 70/77/20/63

HEX: #2b2936


RGB: 61/39/39

CMYK: 44/69/48/70

HEX: #3d2727


RGB: 59/69/54

CMYK: 75/40/76/66

HEX: #3b4536


RGB: 74/30/24

CMYK: 30/90/70/60

HEX: #4a1e18


RGB: 189/141/56

CMYK: 0/26/100/31

HEX: #bd8d38


RGB: 121/116/135

CMYK: 53/51/25/13

HEX: #797487


RGB: 126/100/100

CMYK: 38/52/39/33

HEX: #7e6464


RGB: 108/123/103

CMYK: 58/36/53/22

HEX: #6c7b67


RGB: 149/115/89

CMYK: 28/47/58/28

HEX: #957359


RGB: 210/175/106

CMYK: 10/21/67/5

HEX: #d2af6a


RGB: 177/171/187

CMYK: 35/34/15/3

HEX: #b1abbb


RGB: 180/160/160

CMYK: 29/38/29/8

HEX: #b4a0a0


RGB: 167/177/164

CMYK: 39/22/35/5

HEX: #a7b1a4


RGB: 189/166/132

CMYK: 16/25/44/20

HEX: #bda684


RGB: 226/202/157

CMYK: 6/14/51/0

HEX: #e2ca9d


RGB: 216/213/221

CMYK: 18/15/8/0

HEX: #d8d5dd


RGB: 217/207/207

CMYK: 17/21/16/0

HEX: #d9cfcf


RGB: 212/216/210

CMYK: 22/11/19/0

HEX: #d4d8d2


RGB: 221/210/193

CMYK: 8/11/21/10

HEX: #ddd2c1


RGB: 239/225/201

CMYK: 2/7/29/0

HEX: #efe1c9

Colours: In video

It is important that our colours in video are consistent with our palettes, but reflect our premium, aspirational world and feel real. Here are four primary ways to achieve this

in video 01.jpg

Colours should not be
garish or over saturated,
leaning more towards muted and earth tones with a good balance between shadow and highlights.

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Maintain tonal consistency
between colours. We do not need to recreate the exact Electrolux colours, but the final visual impact should reflect the our colour stories.

in video 03.jpg

Keep sequences with
natural colours while
adjusting to enhance the
experience of the product e.g. tastiness, softness, freshness as much as possible.

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Preserve natural skin tones as much as possible.

Colours: What we want to achieve vs avoid

achieve vs avoid 01.jpg

Things we want to achieve:

  • Create a broader, recognisable visual world beyond Electrolux blue that lives within photography and makes us feel more human-centric, optimistic and sustainable

  • Create hierarchy of information within touchpoints and differentiate content

  • Create variety, pace and maintain interest within individual touchpoints

achieve vs avoid 02.jpg

Things to avoid:

  • Do not use our colours in a way that makes our photography look overt or unnatural e.g. an Electrolux blue jumper being worn in a moss kitchen

  • Do not overuse secondary colour blocks

  • Do not mix colour families

  • Do not mix a colour family with Electrolux blue

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