Colour grading
We like colors that are never garish or over saturated, leaning more towards muted and earth tones with a good balance between cool and warm and strong contrast between shadow and highlights, but in a balanced way.
Maintain tonal consistency between colors and consult the reference Electrolux color palette. We do not need to recreate the exact color but the final visual impact should reflect the Electrolux color story.
In the following page you can see few examples with the different color grading rules we apply.
Skin tones
Preserve natural skin tones as much as possible. Use neutral grey color cast free sample in the center of the page to compare and understand subtle hues and tonalities that we aim for.

EML codes from top left to bottom right: 241025WLAQ, 241025YKKU
Keep food sequences with natural colors while enhancing the tastiness as much as possible. Use neutral grey
color cast free sample in the center of the page to compare and understand subtle hues and tonalities that we aim
for. Food styling and content does not need to align to our color palettes.

EML codes from top left to bottom right: 240603DCXD, 241025LOAB, 241127AFAV, 241025VHM5
Our kitchen has a warm, yellowish, yet still natural look. Use neutral grey color cast sample in the center of the page to compare and understand subtle hues and tonalities that we aim for.

EML codes from top left to bottom right: 241025WLAQ, 241025BN8R, 241025W5FK, 241025O3XQ
Note: please consider specific technical requirements for delivery of still images and video, especially color profile.
Laundry room
Our laundry room is more tonally neutral than the kitchen. Garments have soft, earthy tones but we are not afraid to showcase some bolder colors as well. Use neutral grey color cast sample in the center of the page to compare and understand subtle hues and tonalities that we aim for.

EML codes from top left to bottom right: 240724Q4SC, 240724J234, PSEEFL24BIE00009, 2024954794

EML codes from top left to bottom right: 2023920017, 2407241SVM, 240724XHSF, 240724V98R