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E-com gallery image

Asset type on EML:

E-com gallery image


Keyword to find on EML:

E-com gallery image


EML code:



Consumer journey:



Benefit image supported by copy and infographics. One image per benefit


Product neutrality:

Yes, when possible



Currently (june 2021) Amazon only


Yes, WB and SDA are mapped on a PNC level. MDA automapping criteria based on PicRef ETAGWD220B000012.


Story asset based on:

Eden Benefit copy


Aspect ratio(s):




Specific considerations for asset type

General info

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1

  • Resolution: 2000 x 2000 px

  • Colour profile: sRGB IEC 61966-2-1

  • Output file format to EML: TIFF

Layer structure in the TIFF file

  • If there are several color variants (most likely for WB or SDA), create layer comp for each color and name them Brand_Project_Benefitname_Colour

  • for example: ELX_Fiji_Maneuverability_DenimBlue

  • Layer comps should have the same name as the output file without extension. This will automatically happen if you use the “Export layer comps to files" script in Photoshop

  • If there is only 1 color variant, layer comps aren’t needed



  • The layered working file, TIFF or PSD, will then be uploaded to GST SharePoint site

  • When creating the briefing import file to EML, fill in the relevant information in column BB and include Media Localizations team in the email


Other important information

  • Body copy should only have punctuation in the middle (if separating sentences) and not at the end

  • Text layers and graphics should always be editable

  • We don’t always need to include an icon; we can create assets without icons if they do not add to conversion. We know from testing they can even take away from conversion if they are too redundant

  • Use supporting icon to add clarity or value to the image and avoid using icons that repeat concepts already shown in the image


  • Benefit image with a rectangle/ribbon

  • Rectangle size: 2000 x 600 px

  • Rectangle colour: R1 G30 B65

  • Icon size: 327 x 327 px

  • Icon colour: R255 G255 B255

  • Text elements should be left aligned and centered in the block between top and bottom

  • Icon is placed 75 pixels from the left side edge and then centered with top and bottom

  • Icon placement cannot be modified


  • Typeface: Electrolux Sans

  • Font tracking: 0

  • Font leading: auto

  • Font kerning: optical

  • Max. reduction in font size -10%

  • Avoid font size reduction if possible

  • If header was sized down, decrease also body text by applying the same rule (we would like to keep stronger emphasis on the header)

  • Header:

    • Typeface: Electrolux Sans SemiBold

    • Size: 100px

    • Colour: R255 G255 B255

    • No. of lines: preferably one, maximum of two

  • Body:

    • Typeface: Electrolux Sans Regular

    • Size: 75px

    • Colour: R255 G255 B255

    • No. of lines: preferably two, maximum of three

  • Disclaimer / fine print:

    • Typeface: Electrolux Sans Regular

    • Size: 25px

    • Colour: R255 G255 B255

    • No. of lines: preferably one, maximum of two

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