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Food styling

Our taste photography captures
great-tasting healthy food created
with our products. We always show a conscious way of sourcing ingredients, that are handled with respect and ultimately bring people together to create meaningful moments.


General principles

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Things we want to achieve:

  • Healthy and delicious

  • Plant based where possible

  • Must suggest sustainable living

  • Simple and tasty meals

  • Shows human interaction

  • Suggests a relatable moment

  • Well-sourced quality ingredients

  • Use natural daylight

  • Focus on one dish or ingredient

  • Aspirational yet authentic and nartural

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Things to avoid:

  • Too many meat-based dishes

  • Over-styled and pretentious e.g. food art

  • Over-indulgent and wasteful

  • Clichéd Swedish images

  • Too many distracting elements or items

  • Unsustainable grown or unhealthy foods

  • Disrespect of food

  • Colours that clash with colour palette

  • Unnatural looking foods

Food in different stages

You can show food during all stages of preparation. Consider bokeh effect and blurred background which should enhance focus and tastiness of the main subject. 


  • People preparing food, individually or together

  • Can show products used in preparation alone

  • Can show prepared dishes before being finished

  • Can show ingredients isolated before cooking



  • Individuals or groups that are shown eating or having enjoyed a meal

  • Also includes the ability to highlight beautiful finished food that has been interacted with (e.g. a small bite taken, or cutlery being used)

  • Care should be taken not to appear too messy


Close-up benefit

  • All taste close-ups should communicate a clear product or experience benefit. e.g. crisp meringue, fresh leaves, smooth ice cream

  • Close-ups should appear textural, not detail oriented

  • Lighting cues remain the same as the rest of the photography library. Do not alter this style.

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