How to video
Asset type on EML:
How to videos
Keyword to find on EML:
How to
EML code:
Consumer journey:
Onboarding/Maintenance/Ongoing use
Post-purchase content explaining the use of a product for the consumer. Usually about how to start and how to use while understanding different settings and maintaining the product.
Product neutrality:
Yes/No (depending on asset)
Digital user manual/Newsletters/Support articles online/YouTube/AEG & ELX Apps
If the video is product specific, it is mapped according to PNC, if product neutral, it is mapped to a category
Story asset based on:
Brief from CMM
Aspect ratio(s):
16:9/other aspect ratios upon request
Depend on topic
Is a highly technical video that explains maintenance or advanced functionality of a product
Is provided before the point of purchase
Is functional and technical
Can be longer (easily 2-4 minutes)
Emphasis should be given on proper explanation, length is not a factor
Can be product-neutral (or at least colour-agnostic) if the demonstrated functionality is applicable to multiple products
Follows a common structure to ensure better legibility for the consumer. This increases brand recognition and attribution.
The video starts with an intro, followed by the body of the video which is used to communicate the main message, and ends with our logo and brand promise accompanied by our sound logo.
Individual building blocks of the video are described in greater detail in the following subchapters.

4-6,5 seconds
OST - Subhead
Text: "Full product name" in singular
OST - Headline
Text: Actual issue/process
Technical specs
Follow here

Video body
Art direction
Used to communicate the main message of the video
Should explain the technology / benefit / installation process
Visuals should illustrate the copy as much as possible
OST - Copy
​​Follow the technical specs outlined here
OST - Chapter headline
Can be used for a "Congratulation" sentence, if applicable
​​Follow the technical specs outlined here

Technical specs
Follow here
Technical specs
Follow here

Template downloads
Template for Adobe After Effects and a quick start guide can be found here.