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In-situ images

Asset type on EML:



Keyword to find on EML:



EML code:



Consumer journey:



Show products in their natural environment (kitchen and laundry room)


Product neutrality:



Produced for:



Website in gallery view



PNC's of products shown


Story asset based on:

By request from CMM


Aspect ratio(s):



laundry 01.jpg

Specific considerations for asset type

  • In-situ images are images that show our products in situ, in an aspirational home setting

  • We can show a natural combination of multiple products

  • Product(s) should be heroized, e.g. by camera angle or by catching light

  • However, the product should not be the sole focus of the image - it should be a natural part of the interior that catches the viewer's eye

  • Showing talent is optional. If we show them, they should act naturally - not performing or artificial.

  • If there is no talent, we can use balanced propping to introduce natural human warmth (e.g. a blanket on a chair)

  • We usually shoot room sets from a frontal view or at a slight angle, with a wider lens to capture the entirety of the interior

  • However, make sure no product is distorted by the lens or straighten the image in post production

  • Interiors are rich and sophisticated, but uncluttered and with lots of space at the same time

  • Colours inspired by primary and secondary palette

  • We introduce texture through the use of different materials: woods, metals, stone

  • Backdrops can be used to create connection between indoor and outdoor

  • You can use our existing locations (laundry room, kitchen, etc)

  • Feel free to modify elements to match your artistic goal, such as moving props or changing light

  • You can also design room sets from scratch if no suitable location exists, but be sure to follow general principles for locations, propping, lighting and colour


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