Key visual
Asset type on EML:
Key visual
Keyword to find on EML:
Key visual
EML code:
Consumer journey:
Selection, discovery, purchase
Inspirational images connected to the USP or the Attract message and/or initiatives. Not necessarily including product. For example: key garment of laundry technology in it’s right use. 1 Key visual per product.
Product neutrality:
Printed ads / Website / Instore / POS material
Mapped to all PNC’s that have that specific feature or benefit, hence product neutrality. Connected to PIC Ref.
Story asset based on:
Attract message, USP
Aspect ratio(s):
Native & 1:1

Specific considerations for asset type
There are two types of Key visuals - one for brand and one for PACS
Brand key visuals are more bold and popping
PACS key visuals are more toned down
This page shows and describes principles for PACS key visuals only
Inspirational image based on the USP or the Attract message and/or initiatives
Does not need to include the product
Talent is optional
One key visual per USP
Should be attention-grabbing and attractive
Usually a wider shot but can be a closeup as well