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Our Electrolux Sans typeface helps
us to create our own recognizable
visual style with clarity and sharpness, while maintaining
consistency of presentation across
all our communications.


Electrolux Sans

Electrolux Sans is a modern, sans–serif font with clean geometric forms that supports our design.


Electrolux Bold

This weight is for large headlines or bold statements only. The text should be short, engaging and impactful and reserved for when we have something ‘big’ or ‘important’ to say.


Electrolux Sans SemiBold
Our main typeface should be used
on all communications, headlines
standfirsts and for body copy in shorter paragraphs or select layouts where graphic impact is required.


Electrolux Sans Regular
A supporting weight to SemiBold, not to be used for headlines.
Electrolux Sans Regular is the default font for large amounts of body copy in print, and all instances of body copy when online or in digital application.



Fresh clothes with 96% less water


Give your clothes a longer life
for a more sustainable future.


Alternative languages

There are three alternative fonts to Electrolux Sans, for non-roman alphabets. Bold and Regular weights should be used to reflect the two Electrolux Sans weights in use for roman alphabets.

Note: For use in Russia, we have recreated Electrolux Sans in Cyrillic. Please contact local team for more details.

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The replacement font for Greek,
Vietnamese, Hebrew and Indonesian.*

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For Arabic, and covers most languages in this family including Farsi.*

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Arial Unicode
For Korean, Japanese, Thai, Chinese
(traditional and simplified).*

*The licenses for these fonts need to be acquired at local level.

Typography: Need-to-do

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We have our own typeface
Electrolux sans that is unique and
distinctive to us. We only use three
weights: Bold, Semi-bold, Regular

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By using our typeface with a
consistent hierarchy and layout
system we build recognition in our
brand, message and information
structure. Our use of typography
is always clean, coherent and

At times our typography needs
to feel quietly confident, then
at others grab attention. When
using type we must always
ensure visibility and consider
its purpose when optimising for
each touchpoint on our journey

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Typography: In video

Our typography is used in harmony with moving image to continue telling stories and provide product information. Here are the primary ways we use type in video:

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We use the same weights:

  • Bold uppercase for conviction-led headlines

  • Semibold sentence for headings or impactful copy

  • Regular sentence for copy

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When introducing products and their benefits
we can combine weights on one caption.

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We apply the type in white
colour for ‘on screen text’.
If the background is too
bright we can optionally use the Electrolux blue. Always ensuring it has optimal legibility and visibility.

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We prefer to centre-align
our type for conviction-led statements within video.

Typography: Avoids

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We do not use uppercase for
long sentences.

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We do not use uppercase for headlines that are not conviction-led on any piece of communication or physical space.

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We do not use uppercase to attract
consumers with in-store POS.

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