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USP video

Asset type on EML:

Product video


Keyword to find on EML:



EML code:



Consumer journey:



Video showing the USP of a feature/product typically, on series level. Can be a combination of messaging for USP + Benefit 1. What does the product do? Inspirational and lifestyle orientated.


Product neutrality:

TBD in brief



Brand website/Product detail page in gallery view driven by PNC/ E-tailers/Social media


Mapped to all PNC’s that have that specific feature or benefit, hence product neutrality – to be checked with EML team


Story asset based on:

Eden USP copy


Aspect ratio(s):

16:9/other aspect ratios upon request



10-45 seconds/other lengths upon request


to be added

to be added


  • The entire video focuses on the USP of a product (or a range) and communicates it to the consumer

  • The video is product-specific

  • Can contain cast

  • Can be a little more "lifestyle-oriented" than a traditional benefit video

  • Follows a common structure to ensure better legibility for the consumer. This increases brand recognition and attribution. 

  • The video starts with an intro, followed by the body of the video which is used to communicate the main message, and ends with our logo and brand promise accompanied by our sound logo. 


Individual building blocks of the video are described in greater detail in the following subchapters. 





  • 4-6,5 seconds


Art direction

  • Usually live / lifestyle to bring the USP to life

  • We can show people, even outdoors

OST - Subhead

  • Text: series + product name

  • We use plural and title case (each first letter of a word is capitalized)

  • The USP/B1 in the second part of the subhead is separated by a vertical divider line

  • Should be one line (if possible)

OST - Headline

  • Text: USP headline from Eden copy - please respect all the punctuations

  • Max length (per Eden): 64 characters


Technical specs

Note: the "s" is series name is always small, e.g. "6000s" 

Video body

Art direction

  • Used to communicate the main message of the video

  • Should explain the technology / benefit 

  • Visuals should illustrate the benefit headline as much as possible


OST technical specs

  • Follow here​


Technical specs


Technical specs


Template downloads

Template for Adobe After Effects and a quick start guide can be found here.

General considerations for asset type

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